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February 17, 2015

Meet the Teacher: 10 Things About Me!

Since I’m new to this whole blogging adventure, I figured you probably don’t know much about me yet. I would like to fix this by giving you a quick list of 10 random facts about myself!
I won’t venture to say that these are the 10 MOST important facts, but hopefully they’re interesting nonetheless. Enjoy!
1. I am a TWIN! My sister’s name is Lauren. She’s a Nurse Anesthetist. I prefer not to compare salaries with her.

2. I taught middle school science for 7 years. It was the best. Science rules. I miss telling corny science jokes. (What do you call two dinosaurs that have been in an accident? Tyrannosaurus wrecks) or (Q: What do chemists call a benzene ring with iron atoms replacing the carbon atoms? A: A ferrous wheel)

3. Now I teach 2nd grade. It’s amazing. The kids are louder. And snottier. And they EAT everything. I mean they literally consume everything. But hey, they’re pretty freakin’ cute too.

4. I’m from Atlanta! I love Atlanta. I miss Atlanta. Please don’t call it Hotlanta.

5. I am TERRIFIED of spiders. We once lived in a house that was over run with wolf spiders. The big, hairy ones. And they would crawl in my bed at night. Then they would hide in my laundry, all stealthy like, and wait for me to find a shirt...then jump out at me. Therefore, I'm officially the world's best smasher of said wolf spiders. Lauren can verify this. #spidersareevil 

6. I cannot live without coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. 
This shirt was made for me.

7. I can’t whistle. Or wink.

8. My favorite thing to buy is school supplies. Pens are the best.

9. My college degree is from a different school than where I did 99.9% of my undergrad course work. Long story. It’s annoying. Oh well. Go Owls?

10. I have a cat whose name is Cat. 


  1. Love your blog! The 10 Things About Me is a great idea. I can't whistle or wink either! Can't wait to read more. :)

    - Nicole Zografos (Why Pencils Have Erasers)

  2. Love your blog! The 10 Things About Me is a great idea. I can't whistle or wink either! Can't wait to read more. :)

    - Nicole Zografos (Why Pencils Have Erasers)

  3. Congratulations on your blog. It looks great! OMG, I am terrified of spiders too! Just seeing the little video that you have posted freaked me out a bit, lol.:)

    Mrs. Solis Teaching Treasures

    1. Hi Alma! Thank you!! We can commiserate over our arachnophobia! But I promise to post less about spiders in the future! :-)

  4. Haha!! I love this post! I can't believe you lived with those way!!!

    180 Days and Counting

    1. Thank you Tara! I know, right? I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!

  5. Oh my goodness. You sound like a girl after my own heart. The spiders...eek! I found your blog through Alexis and Laugh Eat Learn. I just commissioned her to design my blog for me. I have one, but ...ew. It looks awful. I'm hoping she can perform a miracle on it! :)
    I'm your newest follower! :)

    Ashley Lafleur

  6. Hi Ashley!! OMG, you will LOVE working with Alexis!! She can definitely perform miracles, so don't worry! :-) Good luck with the new design! I'm following so I'll get to see it when she's done :-)
